What is hitchhiking on your gifts this holiday season?
It is the holidays and gift shopping is in full swing. It has been estimated that Americans will purchase 15-17 gifts this holiday season from a variety of outlets. There are packages coming and going in and out of homes and businesses now more than any time of year. This leaves facilities vulnerable to hitchhiking insects such as the German cockroach.

German cockroaches often pass from item to item during transit, as they are a prolific problem in the logistic/transportation industries. When traveling, it is best to inspect your luggage after it has been stowed during any mass transit commute which includes planes, trains, busses, taxis and ride sharing providers. German cockroaches will ride into your home or business on ecommerce packages, freight, pallets, holiday fruit baskets, beer and liquor boxes, grocery bags and other purchases you make at the store.
German cockroaches spread disease, infest quickly and can be not only tedious but very expensive to remove! Once inside your home or business, German cockroaches prefer warm, moist, environments with access to food. Most often this happens to be the kitchens and bathrooms! German cockroaches will eat almost anything to survive, including the glue in books, cardboard and wallpaper as well as soaps, old food, toothpaste, grime buildup, feces and more.

To prevent German cockroaches from infesting your home or business it is best to inspect all packages before they enter for cockroaches or signs of them. Signs of German cockroaches beyond adult live sightings include frass (cockroach feces) build up, nymph cockroaches (Juveniles), oothecas (cockroach egg capsules), musty pungent smell (found with large well-established populations), and dead cockroaches. Taking the time to inspect packages now may seem odd and bothersome but can save you from headache, unwanted expense and frustration in the future. For more pest control tips and to schedule a pest control inspection or service visit AllTrustPestControl.com or contact us @ 850-860-7558 or at alltrustpestcontrol@gmail.com.