Spiders have eight legs, two body sections and 3 to 4 pairs of eyes and are classified as arachnids, not insects. For centuries spiders have caused anxiety in the lives of many. However, contrary to popular belief, except for a couple of venomous species found in the USA, most spiders are not much of a threat to people. The Brown Recluse (not commonly found in Florida except in transit) and the Black Widow are the two commonly found venomous spiders in the United States to be aware of, as their bite can cause very serious medical complications. Spiders come in an array of colors and sizes with most, not all, spinning webs to catch prey that often includes other spiders and insects.
Like insects, spiders will enter homes and businesses through a multitude of ways including hitchhiking, walking in open cracks and crevices, through damaged screens and more. Spiders prefer dark places, but environmental preferences can vary from damp to dry based on the species. Control is often time consuming, tedious and includes the physical removal of spiders, egg sacs, and webs as spiders do not respond to residual treatments as insects do. As a result, controlling area insect populations should reduce the food supply for area spiders and thereby reduce area spider populations. If you’re struggling with spiders, consider hiring a pest control professional. Spider control programs are available as standalone services, residential pest control service plans and commercial pest control packages.